Thursday, January 3, 2019

7 pillars of bulk sms marketing that you cannot avoid

Bulk SMS marketing is an amazing marketing method for the marketers and the results are magnificent in this type of campaigns. All you have to do is to put the focus on setting the right campaign. Without the proper delivery method, you will observe failure in your campaign. It is suggested to follow the structure for running a campaign.



Even big marketers don’t want to start placing their products or communications without even testing it. Test Marketing helps you to understand whether your marketing will be effective in the future or not. Similar goes for the Bulk SMS marketing campaigns. You should first do it on a trial basis, evaluate the results and then execute actual marketing for your product or services

Collecting the numbers of your potential customer is the next thing that you should consider. But you can’t collect the numbers unethically. The best way to collect the numbers is through taking their permission. You can run a social media signup sheet who would like to engage with your company. You might offer them some free materials that they will enjoy a lot. You can also buy numbers from third-party organizations but you have to be careful which company you are choosing. You don’t want to face any trouble by choosing a wrong organization.
After collecting the numbers, you should start segmenting your numbers. Segmentation can be done based on Age, Gender, Occupation, Income etc. It will help you to run a Bulk SMS marketing campaign more effectively. If the campaign doesn’t run well with first segmentation, then you should re-arrange it based on your results
You organize systematic things for your campaign but if you don’t deliver it properly, all your efforts will be in vain. You have to hire a suitable SMS gateway provider to schedule perfectly your campaign. You should avoid some words that might be unaccepted by your target audience. It may lose the authenticity of your message and they might avoid the messages sent by you to those audiences.

Engagement with your audience should be given topmost priority. Because without engagement, your investment will be in vain. You can send a questionnaire to your target audience and ask them to fill up the questionnaire. Definitely, you have to offer something lucrative with that questionnaire that might grab the attention of that audience
It takes so much time to make your audience read your messages. If you don’t send frequent messages to your audience, you may not be able to put your company name or service in the top of the minds of your audience. There are other companies or services who will also send messages to that same audience. If they have good content, they might receive the attention. Be careful not to send too many messages at a single time. You should schedule your message depending on their behavior and send accordingly.
All your money should be spent wisely. If you don’t track that your message is highly accepted by your audience, then your money will be wasted. You should track how many responses you are receiving from your Bulk SMS marketing campaign. You can use URL shortener Bitly to track your results. You can also evaluate the results from Google Analytics and you should start analyzing your data.
These are the 7 pillars that can bring massive results for your Bulk SMS Marketing campaigns. Do share your feedback in the comments.

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